Creating a Community
Community-building is an unrated trait in a leader. The stronger your team, the easier it will be to tackle the unexpected. Here are easy, medium, and more involved ways to build up your team culture.
Have an ice breaker question or game during your weekly meeting.
When the team first gets established, require that each person has at least one 1:1 with every member of the team.
Regularly post updates, praise, and/or questions in your group chat so it feels like a welcoming place for your team to share their thoughts or questions.
Host 90-day team check-ins, so the team can weigh in on what's working, not working, and what they'd like to do differently.
If your job is remote, host a virtual happy hour. (This is easier with a smaller team).
If your job is in-person, pick a time and place for an occasional happy hour. (Even twice a year is fine).
If your job is in-person, plan a team outing once or twice a year.
If your company allows a community-building fund, consider things like a snack of the month or book of the month club.